The Letter


"The Letter: A Message for Our Earth"

. . . is a new documentary film that tells the story of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si'.

Filmmaker Nicholas Brown says, “We're telling Laudato Si' but through the eyes of the people who live it on the front lines.”

Arouna Kandé, a climate refugee from Senegal, represents the voice for the poor.

Chief Dadá from the Amazon-Brazil brings the voice of the indigenous and the forest.

Ridhima, 14 years old from India, is the voice of the youth, and Greg Asner and Robin Martin, scientists from Hawaii, are the voices of the wildlife.

Learn more here

Click on the image on the left below to watch the trailer; and the image on the right to watch the full film (for free).

Groups interested in hosting a screening of the film can register here and receive resources to help organize the event.

Official Trailer

The full movie